December/ January 2008: New Links & Questions


*Bravery: How courageous are you?

What is courage? Do other people define courage the same way you do? Click here to read recent article at Psyblog on the nature of courage:

*Figuring out someone's intentions

Visit Cogweb to see some demonstrations of how we use simple movement cues to make big inferences about intentions:

___________________ 1-Minute Assignment

Whenever you are in a public place, take a moment to observe your reactions to people. Do you get a feeling for who is nice or not nice, courageous or timid, extroverted or introverted? What cues you are using to base your opinions?

Often, you'll find that it isn't just the way a person looks that makes an impression on you - it's also the speed of their movements and amount of motion a person has. Your assigmnent today is to pay close attention to the people's motion cues to see what kind of impact they have on you.


*In this month's blog we decided to include some inspiring video clips!

What do your children learn from you? Here is a nice little video on utube, reminding parents about role-modelling:

Would you dare to stand up? This is a clip from the movie 'to kill a mockingbird', in which Scout, a small girl, inadvertently diffuses a mob by using the pscyhological principle called 'individuation':

How observant are you? Sherlock Holmes shows some obeservation 'magic' in this clip:

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