It’s time for some more Happiness exercises!
In this month’s blog entry you can test another one of the questions we’re working on for a new happiness tool at Personality100. After each exercise you'll read a scientific explanation. Exercise # 17: What's your Affect?
To do this exercise you'll need to grab paper and a pen. Number the paper 1- 20. After the quiz, you'll add up your score.
At each quesion, mark a number for the extent to which you feel this way right now.
- Interested
- distressed
- excited
- upset
- strong
- guilty
- enthusiastic
- hostile
- proud
- irritable
- alert
- ashamed
- inspired
- nervous
- determined
- scared
- attentive
- jittery
- active
- afraid
Now, add up your score for all the odd numbers, which measures 'positive affect'. Then, seperately, add up your score for all the even numbers, which stand for 'negative affect'.
You will end up with two scores ranging from 10 to 50. Compare these two scores.
The average person in the USA scores 26 in Positive affect and 15 in negative affect.Your scores will change slightly depending on what is happening on the day you take the test.
* We think the interesting part is:
Some people score highly in both areas. Other people score low in both, while others score in the middle range in both. How high or low your score reveals your emotionality level.
* What's it got to do with happiness?
The main message is that it's possible to feel both good and bad at the same exact time. Are you someone who feels alot? Or are you someone whose feelings (both good and bad) are buffered, instead replaced by tranquility?
Both are different approaches to happiness. What matters most is only that your expectations for happiness match your body's natural approach -- a passionate approach, or a tranquil approach. To find out more, check out the Emotionality Section of your personality report.
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