April/ May 2008: New Research & Findings

In this month's entry we'll start with some unusual findings regarding height:

* Having an older brother makes you shorter

Researchers at the University of Glasgow published a paper this month showing that people who have an older brother tend to be born lighter and remain shorter in adulthood. Why? The researchers speculate that being pregnant with a boy requires a greater energy investment from a mother, which decreases her reserves for the next child. Read more...

* Looking for a partner who isn't the jealous type?

A new study in the Journal of Evolution and Human Behavior found that tall men and 'average size' women tend to be the least jealous, while short men and women and 'taller than average' women tend to be the most jealous. Read more....

*What's the average height?

  • Men in the USA: 5' 9"

  • Women in the USA: 5' 4"

  • Men in the Netherlands: 6' 0"

  • Women in the Netherlands: 5' 7"

  • Men in China: 5' 5"

  • Women in China: 5' 2"
To see a listing of average heights around the world: List

* What does your finger length say about you?....

Take a look at your right hand. Is your ring finger longer than your index finger? If so, you are likely to better at what are called typically 'masculine' activities, like sports, math, and spatial judgement, and less skilled in typically 'feminine' abilities such as multi-tasking.

Want to learn more? Here is an article in the New York Times that tells more about research on finger length and testosterone, and an explanation in Wikipedia.


Anonymous said...

At my last family reunion we noticed that everyone in my immediate family has a pointer finger that is longer than the ring finger!

Anonymous said...

We measured my family's hands and come to find that 4/6 of us have same lenght ring and pointer fingers